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About Me




Writing adult romance and women's fiction under the pseudonym Kierra L. Rose, I share my writing journey on AuthorTube and host a podcast while pursuing the publication of my first book.  


Born a military brat in North Carolina, I've traveled to Europe and Guam, soaking in my surroundings' history, culture and stories. 


A natural born storyteller, the love of words inspired me to write my first story in second grade. An avid reader, I dreamed one day it would be my stories sitting on shelves for others to read. 


With the love and support of my high school sweetheart, now present-day husband, and five children, I, the Naked Firefly create stories from sweet to sensual, stories about dynamic women and their passion for life, and solve mysteries with a slice of cheesecake on the side. 


When not creating, I homeschool my children, research, read, try out new recipes, or cuddled on the couch and binge-watching Netflix with my husband. 

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